Can Sealed Beef Jerky Be Affected by Cologne

United States to United Kingdom

Country or Territory Regulations Topics:

Commodity Specific Stipulations

There are special stipulations on the following bolt when shipping to United Kingdom. If you lot programme to ship one of the commodities listed below, be sure to adhere to the following stipulations in club to avoid delays and holds at customs.

Products Of Animate being Origin are goods which incorporate at least partly material derived from the body of an animate being. These products tin can be divided in nutrient or non-food.

Nutrient means whatever substance, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended for human consumption, but does not include cosmetics or substances used only as pharmaceuticals.

Not-Food (not intended for human consumption) includes animal past-products, animate being feed, samples for testing or research purposes (nutrient-grade or non-nutrient grade), and in vitro diagnostics (IVD).

Beast products and animal by-products are often discipline to a veterinary inspection. These products can simply be accepted under a special contract for International Special Commodities (ISC). In addition those products must undergo veterinary checks at an canonical Veterinarian Border Inspection Mail service (BIP) when entering the Eu & EFTA countries or territories (European union regulations are aligned for European union countries or territories and NO; IS; CH; LI).

For UPS shipments arriving in the EU by air, Cologne is the first bespeak of arrival /BIP. Inspections will exist processed at Cologne but final customs clearance process will exist issued in the destination country or territory.

Additional charges for Vet-inspection will exist applicable  meet Brokerage Services and Charges.

Import requirements:

More often than not, each type of Product of Beast Origin has specific import requirements that must be met. Food which is subject to veterinary inspections must:

Come from an Eu listed Third State or Territory (no safeguard measures in place)

Come from an EU approved establishment . Registered producers are listed under the following link:

Be accompanied by appropriate Wellness Document(s), signed past a veterinarian of the competent authority of country or territory of export. Photocopies of the Health Certificate will not be accepted.

Be accordingly packaged and labelled, indicating the nature, ingredients, quantity/ weight, the country or territory of origin and manufacturer.

Any foodstuff coming from non-approved establishments, sent as samples for testing purposes, can only exist imported with a permit/license from a corresponding national veterinary authority. The permit/license must be send to the border inspection indicate responsible for the veterinary inspection. Delays may occur as the license needs to be provided already at the time of inspection.

Any non-compliant shipment must be returned at shippers expense immediately. The following exemptions apply to non-commercial shipments / souvenir shipments or purchased past private individuals for private consumption):

Meat, meat products, creature fat - max. 10 kg from Faroe Island and Greenland.

Fish and fish products (with intestines and organs removed) - max. 20 kg from all third countries or territories; no limitation from Faroe Islands.

Other animal products (for example, honey, egg, frog, live mussels - max. x kg from Faroe Islands and Greenland, and max. 2 kg from all other third countries or territories).

Shipments cannot be sent to Private Individuals.

Antiques tin exist cleared with a duty rate of 0% and with the full general VAT charge per unit if they are older than 100 years.
Original artwork (for example, paintings, drawings, sculptures) can exist imported with a duty rate of 0% and with the general VAT rate.
Credit cards are not considered as documents and would unremarkably be imported under tariff 8523210000 (cards incorporating a magnetic strip) which is duty complimentary/20% VAT.

Even so, if the consignment value is less than xv.00 GBP, information technology would be entered on the depression value manifest costless of import taxes.

Always provide a aircraft invoice irrespective of shipment value.

This besides applies to Debit Cards.

An invoice is required on all shipments containing a CD-Rom/Deejay and should betoken the value of the Recording Media (eg. CDR/DVD) & the Intellectual/statistical value of the software/data separately. The intellectual value is non subject to duty or VAT. This applies just for business software. Calculator games are excluded.
Cheese, milk, and milk products are considered fauna products. Confectionary is exempt from whatever restrictions. Any non compliant shipment must be returned at the shipper'due south expense immediately.
Tickets for events like stage performances, football matches or concerts must exist sent as non-doctor shipments. The invoice must show a realistic value for the toll of the outcome.
Fish and fish products are considered Creature Products.
All food products must exist fairly packaged to be accepted for import. Frozen food cannot be accepted. The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland brokerage should exist contacted prior to shipping for general advising.

Based on the EU regulation 2009/669/EC sure foodstuffs (for example tea with origin Cathay) imported from certain third countries or territories are subject to increased level of official controls due to contamination risks of these products by aflatoxinson and pathogens. These controls are carried out at Designated Betoken of Entries (DPE) defined by each fellow member state.

The import of feed and food originating in or consigned from Japan following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear ability station and not subject to vet inspection can only be imported into the European union through Designated Betoken of Entries (DPE). They take to be accompanied past a declaration attesting that the goods are either harvested or processed before March 11, 2011, originated from a prefecture other than the ones affected past higher levels of radiation or if originated from an affected prefecture have been subjected to laboratory analysis determining the level of sure radionuclides (regulation 2011/297/EC).

The community part responsible for our import sites are not divers equally DPE. Commodities field of study to import controls at a DPE can t exist imported with UPS.

Depending on their substances of content food supplements might be classified every bit medicine. Vitamin and mineral supplements are usually not classified as medicine, whether they are supplied in pill, capsule, pulverization or liquid class.
Fruit must exist accompanied by an original Phytosanitary Document provided by the shipper. In case of a possible phytosanitary inspection by DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs), an import delay may occur.
The European Wedlock (European union) has placed an import ban on Honey from certain countries or territories.

Before aircraft Dear to a European Marriage land or territory, it is highly recommended to contact your local bedroom of commerce or your importer for detailed data.

If the importation is allowed by the European Marriage, the shipment must be accompanied past an original wellness certificate provided by the shipper/producer, otherwise, importation volition not be possible. Furthermore, a vet inspection at the first point of arrival into the EU is required, even for sample shipments.

Brokerage accessorial charges will employ and an import filibuster may occur.

If the shipper fails to verify the import regulation of the destination country or territory and sends honey which is prohibited by the European Wedlock, and so all charges that may apply for the respective shipment volition be billed back to the shipper.

Meats are considered Fauna Products.
The invoice must include a description of the part, the machine for which the office will be used, and a list of the part's components. If parts are sent for ships or shipping in transit, the invoice should declare "goods in transit."
Customers must use an authorized UPS / MBE (Post Boxes Etc) Store, UPS Customer Center or an ISC approved shipper to ship personal effects.

The UPS Store, Post Boxes Etc., UPS Customer Center and ISC approved shipper will be required to identify personal effect shipments on the aircraft label by placing "ISC-Personal Furnishings" in the Reference Field of a UPS "smart" label or in the Special Instructions Field of a UPS waybill. They must also clearly indicate 'Personal Effects' shipment on the Commercial Invoice.

Personal Effects are classified as used items (endemic for a minimum of 6 months) intended for the consignee's personal use. Whatsoever items intended for whatever other use, such as wholesale or retail sales, business purposes, or for distribution are not considered personal effects and cannot be shipped on this basis. "Personal Effects" must exist conspicuously stated on the invoice and appurtenances clarification.

All of the post-obit documents must be scanned into DIS/SIR and originals on the package:

An inventory listing with estimated values with the reason for importation relocation conspicuously indicated.

A confirmation that the goods are older than 6 months and that they are intended for personal utilize only.

A photocopy of passport or ID card.

Any items intended for any other utilise, such as wholesale or retail sales, business concern purposes, or for distribution are non considered personal effects and cannot be shipped on this ground.

Shippers transferring residence to the UK will need to complete class ToR01 online and post to HMRC in advance of the goods arriving in the UK.

When received HMRC volition assess the application for relief and if successful volition provide the shipper with a unique code that must be quoted on the customs entry announcement.

In addition to personal furnishings following a transfer of residence, relief is as well available for goods that:

 vest to overseas students and are used for their studies in the United kingdom.

 are role of a spousesouthward trousseaux when they come to live in the Britain.

 are wedding gifts upward to a certain value.

Travellers importing appurtenances into the UK temporarily (maximum 24 months) will be required to provide an inventory list and their date of deviation from the Uk.

Importers returning left luggage will be required to provide either proof of ownership or a argument that the goods are returning to the UK.

Excisable appurtenances (for example, perfume, alcoholic drinks, tobacco), medicine and perishable food cannot be cleared every bit personal effects.

Personal effects shipments are not immune in combination with Return Services.

Pet food containing animal products may be imported into the U.k. if an original Health Certificate from the land or territory of origin is provided, or if the importer provides an import license from the Department of the Surroundings, Fisheries and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Withal, pet foods from certain countries or territories may non be accepted to the Great britain, dependant on DEFRA regulations at the time of import. Delight contact your sleeping accommodation of commerce for details. Any not compliant shipment must exist returned at shipper's expense immediately.
If Protein pulverisation is an animate being production (for case, made of milk poly peptide) information technology needs an original Wellness Certificate from the shipper to import and needs an inspection by the Agriculture Ministry. Brokerage charges may apply. If the higher up criteria are non met at the time of import, the goods cannot enter the United Kingdom and must exist returned at the shipper'south expense immediately.
Delight see Shipment Types for requirements to be classified every bit a sample.
In order to avoid wrong customs declarations at import, it is mandatory that the exporter provide very detailed data about the shoes (for example, what kind of leather, what cloth used for soles and uppers, what kind of shoes (sport shoes, sandals, boots), who is to wearable the shoes (children, women, men).
The invoice must list the value of the blank media separately from the value of the data or software.
Most of mod test reagents for diagnostic research are congenital on antibodies which are generated from animal tissue. There are ii types of antibodies, the monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antibodies.

Monoclonal antibodies are generated in vitro. Tissue from animals are taken (east.yard. blood) and infected with certain substances or pathogens. The blood cells react with the production of antibodies which are than harvested and used for the production of the examination kits. Due to the in vitro production and the controlled way of product those types of test kits are not field of study to veterinary control if it is a commercial product.

Polyclonal antibodies are gained from living animals like rabbits. They are infected with the substances / pathogens and the animals are producing antibodies. The antibodies are harvested from the blood stream of the animals. Test reagents with polyclonal antibodies are bailiwick to vet inspections.

Shipment documents (commercial invoice or annunciation on letterhead) should include:

 the place of origin of the cloth

 the quantity of the material, in weight or volume

 a description of the material/ fauna source

 catalogue number and price (if available)

 additives (e.g., sodium azide, glycerol), their source (e.g., whole serum, supernatant, ascites), and purification, if any.

 protocols  the recommended protocol or datasheet indicating whatsoever unique fixation, detergent, blocking, or incubation weather.

 the intended use (commercial/ manufacturing; research/ testing)

 the name and address of the shipper

 the name and address of the receiver

Commercially packaged, ready-to-use In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) containing products of brute of origin, exercise not require a Vet-inspection, if compliant with Directive 98/79/EC on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices. A declaration of conformity (CE-marking) must be provided for each individual article (eastward.g. reagents, test kits, immunosorbent assays such every bit ELISA kits.

A certificate of origin is not required for the import clearance of textiles. The need of a certificate of origin for the import clearance was reversed on October 24, 2011.

The country or territory of origin must be stated on the invoice for each invoice line. If the customs authorities doubtfulness the definiteness of the declared country or territory of origin they may asking an boosted proof which might exist a document of origin.

Data shipments require an invoice with the character of the USB stick (storing intercompany information) and the value of the USB Stick.

Prohibited or Restricted Bolt

In add-on to the commodities which UPS prohibits to all countries or territories served (listed here), it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to U.k..

Shipping of alcoholic beverages is only permitted ISC contract service.

The contractual service covers the customs clearance of alcohol at the port of entry where duty, VAT and excise duty must be paid. A customs clearance of alcohol for free circulation with a subsequent transport of booze under the excise duty break government is not possible. The customs clearance in UK and the subsequent send to another EU fellow member state is not part of the service.

Alcoholic beverages are subject to excise duty. Excise duty applies usually on the amount of beverage and the per centum of alcohol. The data must be shown on the invoice. Spirits with an alcoholic strength exceeding 35% ABV sold in retail containers of 35 cl. and above demand a fiscal mark/excise stamp. The consignor is responsible to get registered for taxation stamps, buy them and adjust them to the bottles.

Alcoholic beverages tint be sold and delivered to under aged persons (18 years). The consignor is responsible to verify the age of the consignee prior to aircraft.

Additional rules employ on the import of wine and wine products. Please check under wine.

Beef jerky and salami are prohibited for import, no matter what the country or territory of origin is. Any shipment received must be returned at the shipper'southward expense immediately.
Endangered plants and animals protected by the multilateral treaty of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), must be accompanied by a valid CITES Document.

All import, export, re-consign and introduction from the sea of species covered by the Convention has to be authorized through a licensing system.

Shipper needs to provide the following documentation:

Invoice with the scientific proper noun and CITES certificate.

Additional charges will be applicative. Products of animals or plants field of study to CITES can only exist accepted under a special contract for International Special Commodities (ISC).

Tobacco Products Directive 2014/14/EU (TPD)

Recently HMRC have enforced the regulations put in identify in May 2016 for all operators.

Below you lot can see the regulations we should be constant to:

Restrict e-cigarette tanks to a chapters of no more than ii ml

Restrict the maximum volume of e-liquid for sale in one refill container to 10 ml.

Restrict e-liquids to a nicotine forcefulness of no more than 20 mg/ml

Crave nicotine-containing products or their packaging to be child-resistant and tamper axiomatic.

Ban certain ingredients including colorings, caffeine and taurine.

Include new labelling requirements and warnings.

Require all e-cigarettes and eastward-liquids to exist notified to MHRA before they tin be sold.

Further information on this can be obtained from: britain/guidance/eastward-cigarettes-regulations-for-consumer-products

Further information regarding the TPD regulations can be obtained from:

Import restrictions may apply. Please contact your chamber of commerce for details.
UPS provides International Unsafe Appurtenances Service for shipments betwixt the U.S. and the United Kingdom by contract simply.

Accessorial charges of 28.00 GBP apply as follows:

  • Hazardous Materials Class nine (HAZ)
  • Hazardous Materials All Other Classes (HAN)
  • Flick, gravity, spring, or butterfly knives are prohibited.
    Private individuals may accept medicinal products delivered by post (including express postal service and courier deliveries) inside and betwixt countries of the EEA if the supplier operates legally and the medicinal product has been approved by the authorities of the country in question.

    When you purchase medicines in strange online pharmacies, yous must observe the import restrictions on medicines.

    Ownership and receiving medicines from exterior the European Economical Area is prohibited for individual individuals in the European Wedlock. Just business to business concern shipments are immune. The importer or buyer of the medicine is solely responsible for any risks involved in illegal medicine trade.

    The following are prohibited:
    • Chilli
    • Chilli products
    • Curcuma
    • Back-scratch Powder
    • Palm oil
    • Turmeric

    Dried whole Chillies tin can be imported.

    Plants must be accompanied by an original Phytosanitary Certificate provided by the shipper. In case of a possible phytosanitary inspection by DEFRA (Department for Surround Nutrient and Rural Affairs), an import delay may occur.
    The Eu (EU) has implemented specific conditions and detailed procedures for the import of plastic kitchenware (HS-Code 3924 1000 xi) made of polyamide and melamine and originated in or consigned from China or Hong Kong (regulation 284/2011). Tableware (for case, plates, flatware, cups) are excluded from the restrictions. The reason for the new regulation were notifications and alerts by the European 'Rapid Alert Arrangement'- kitchen tableware was recognized which exceed the thresholds of aromatic amines and formaldehyde released into food.

    Based on the regulation, controls must be performed at the signal of introduction into the Eu past the competent government. They include documentary checks on all consignments and identity or physical checks (including laboratory checks) on 10% of the consignments. All consignments of kitchen tableware (HS code 3924 thou) originated or consigned from Cathay or Hong Kong must be accompanied by a declaration confirming that information technology meets the requirements concerning the release of principal aromatic amines and formaldehyde. The annunciation shall be accompanied past a laboratory report that the consignments fulfill the requirements.

    The goods and declaration must be examined at the first point of introduction into the EU.

    The consignments shall exist notified at the showtime point of introduction at least two working days in advance.

    Our primary points of entry (Cologne, Germany and Eastward Midlands, Uk) are non competent to perform the checks and forwarding under bail is prohibited without the checks. Products covered by the new regulation and destined to the EU can't be accepted by UPS. Exporters should clearly state on the invoice the material and the land or territory of origin of plastic kitchenware to avoid holds on commodities non discipline to the regulation.

    Products fabricated in Islamic republic of iran are prohibited in our service due to a current embargo.
    Importation into, or exportation from United kingdom of any rough diamond is prohibited, from whatever source, unless the rough diamond has been controlled through the Kimberley Procedure Certification Scheme (KPCS). Rough diamonds, which have become known as conflict diamonds, are defined every bit diamonds used by rebel movements to finance armed forces activity opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments.

    The KPCS is a articulation government internationally recognized certification organization that imposes extensive requirements on its members to enable them to certify shipments of rough diamonds as conflict-complimentary and prevent disharmonize diamonds from inbound legitimate trade.

    A samurai sword must non be longer than 50 cm and have a curved blade. Any samurai swords larger than this will exist seized. Further information can be obtained at the following website -
    Seeds must be accompanied by an original Phytosanitary Document provided past the shipper. In instance of a possible phytosanitary inspection by DEFRA (Section for Environment Food and Rural Affairs), an import delay may occur.
    Vegetable Matter is prohibited.
    Shipping of alcoholic beverages is only permitted ISC contract service. For general service restrictions please meet info under alcoholic beverages.

    Wine and wine products are subject to excise duty. The excise duty is calculated based on the alcoholic forcefulness by volume. The information must be shown on the invoice.

    The import of wine and vino products is also regulated by a market system of the Eu with rules on labelling and presentation of vino and additional documentation. The Importation of wine and wine products are subject to the presentation of an:

    Certificate showing drawn up past a competent body, included on a list to be made public by the Commission, in the productions country or territory of origin.

    An assay report fatigued upwardly past a body or department designated by the products country or territory of origin, in so far equally the product is intended for direct human consumption.

    No certificate or analysis report needs be presented for products originating in and exported from third countries or territories in labelled containers of not more 5 liters fitted with a non-reusable closing device where the total quantity transported, whether or not fabricated up of separate consignments, does not exceed 100 litres.

    The labels of wine and vino products take to testify some of the following compulsory particulars similar the category of the product (e.g. wine, sparkling wine, liquor wine), the protected designation or protected geographical indication if the wine has such a protection, the actual alcohol strength by book, an indication of provenance, an indication of the bottler or an indication of the producer or vendor in case of sparkling wine and other product categories of sparkling wine.

    The rules are laid downward in EU regulation 2009/491. The regulation can be checked on the Eu website http://eur-lex.europa.european union/homepage.html.


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